The Application Procedure for “AMATEUR RADIO
The Application Procedure for “AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR’S CERT
In order to enable the amateur radio operators visiting People’s Republic of China to leagally operate from Chinese amateur radio stations, commissioned by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China , the Chinese Radio Amateurs Club (CRAC) has releasesed the application procedure for “AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE FOR VISITORS” as following:
1, The amateur radio operator visiting P.R.China from outside, who possesses a valid operating license issued by home radio administration, understands and commits to comply with the relevant laws and regulations of China, is eligible to apply for “AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE FOR VISITORS” of a class approximate to the home license. 2, The “AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE FOR VISITORS” is the legal certificate for the operation at the existing amateur radio station within P.R.China only, but not for setting up an amateur radio station. 3, The appication for “AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE FOR VISITORS” is to be submitted to CRAC via email. The address 4, The following materials should be provided to apply for an “AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE FOR VISITORS”:1) Application form (Click here to download: Application Form) signed by the applicant with the commitment to Comply with radio laws and regulations of China” (in Chinese or English, submitted in pdf or jpg format. Refer to annex or be downloaded from; 2) Text version of visitor’s information(submitted in txt or doc format. Refer to Annex): 3)An image copy of the valid travel certificate and Chinese visa (submitted in pdf or jpg format, with resolution no less than 1000 pixel in hight);4) An image copy of the home amateur radio license (submitted in pdf or jpg format, with resolution no less than 1000 pixel in hight); 5)An ID photo (submitted in pdf or jpg format, with resolution no less than 600 pixel in hight); 5, Additional information possibly be required by CRAC in case of need. 6, CRAC will notify the approval of the application to the applicant and send out an electronic image copy of the “AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE FOR VISITORS” via email for printing. The information of approval will also be published on CRAC website ( as an official reference of validity check. 7, Unless the applicant reuires to fetch the physical certificate from CRAC office in person, no hard media material of the certificat will be posted to the applicant. 8, If the reciprocal agreement in amateur radio operation is signed between the administrations of the applicant and P.R.China, the application procedure is to follow the agreement. 9, No service charge is required for the mentioned application procedure. |
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